Simple program using Parametric Function C++ - HelpMeOutAlways

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Simple program using Parametric Function C++



using namespace std;

class car{


  int modelno,cost,partno;


void setdata(int mn,int cst,int pn){

 modelno=mn;// model number is assigned to mn

 cost=cst;  //cost is assigned to cst

 partno=pn; // partno is assigned to pn
 //These are all done because we can not directly access them coz of they are private


void showdata(){

 cout<<"Model No="<<modelno<<endl;

 cout<<"cost of car="<<cost<<endl;

 cout<<"part number="<<partno;


int main(){

car c1;

c1.setdata(420,1000,12345);//Assigning values to the variable above

c1.showdata();//calling function showdata

return 0;



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