HelpMeOutAlways: Articles
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Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2023

ChatGPT-4: Exciting New Features Made Simple
April 17, 20230 Comments

Exciting news for all! ChatGPT-4 is here, and it's more powerful than ever. Here are some of the amazing things it can do:


1. Summarize long texts quickly and accurately, even if the text was not designed for easy summarization. Even ChatGPT-3 couldn't handle texts this long!

2. Build with GPT-4 to create applications like Discord bots or other applications. The possibilities are endless.

3. Analyze images and provide insights based on what you ask. This is a game-changer for industries that rely on visual data.

4. Convert a drawing into something tangible, like building a website layout based on a sketch. The neural network behind ChatGPT-4 makes this possible.

5. Perform complex calculations like standard deductions and tax calculations from long texts. This will be incredibly useful for anyone who deals with complex data.

6. Use the system message box to give ChatGPT-4 instructions on what to do. This feature was also available in ChatGPT-3.5.

Note: These features are currently only available in ChatGPT Plus. Stay ahead of the game and try it out today!

#AI #ChatGPT4 #ChatGPTPlus #MachineLearning OpenAI 

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Thursday, April 16, 2020

HelpMeOutAlways in Feedspot Top 100 Programming Blogs
April 16, 20200 Comments
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

HelpMeOutAlways in Feedspot Top 100 Programming Blogs

 It's honored for us to tell you all, that HelpMeOutAlways is on the top 100 programming blogs on Feedspot. We will keep contributing to the world and do supports us with your valuable feedbacks.

 Thank you Feedspot for mentioning us in the  Top 100 Programming Blogs.
I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Programming Blogs on the internet and I'm honored to have you as part of this!
                                                                                                                           Anuj Agarwal
                                                                                                                             Founder, Feedspot
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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Apache Friends Downloading Xampp exe(run file ) while Downloading Xampp for Linux |Apache friends download error
March 29, 20200 Comments

 Apache Friends Downloading Xampp exe(run file )

I am trying to install Xampp on my Linux. I went to the official download site of Apache Friends and clicked here
And it is downloading the program in .exe(run) file

Xampp download link for Linux.

 Apache Friends Downloading Xampp exe occurred error.
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Thursday, March 12, 2020

WooCommerce Version 4.0.0 Latest Updates| New Feautures of WooCommerce Version 4.0.0
March 12, 20200 Comments

                     WooCommerce Version 4.0.0 Latest Updates

New Feautures of WooCommerce 4.0.0

Following Changes has made in WooCommerce 4.0.0:

WooCommerce New Changes Made Are:


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Saturday, November 16, 2019

What can do after Software Engineering(BSSE) | What position you will hold after graduating in Software Engineering?
November 16, 20190 Comments

What can do after Software Engineering(BSSE)?

Being a software Engineering graduate on the bases of your skills, you will be holding the position as:

1. Chief Strategy Officer
    He/She is responsible for helping to formulate, facilitate and communicate an organization's strategic initiatives and future goals.[Read Full]
what can i do after software engineering?
Photo by Headway on Unsplash
2. Project Manager
    A person who has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project.[Read Full]
                                       Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

3. Chief Technology Officer
    Is an executive-level position in a company or other entity whose occupation is focused on scientific and technological issues within an organization.[Read Full]
what can i do after software engineering?

                                                Photo by Tim van der Kuip on Unsplash
4. Software Architect
A person who is responsible for high-level design choices and dictates technical standards, including software coding standards, tools, and platforms.[Read Full]

what can i do after software engineering?

                                      Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

5. Senior Manager Of Software Development
    A person who is an expert and experienced in developing software, in other words, we can say that he/she is a full-stack software developer.
what can i do after software engineering?

                                     Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

6. Risk Management Officer
   A person who is responsible for enabling the efficient and effective governance of significant risks, and related opportunities, to a business and its various segments.[Read Full]
what can i do after software engineering?

                                    Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
7. Security Analyst:
  A person who is responsible for securing the data of an organization and maintain it. He has full knowledge of the computer security system.
what can i do after software engineering?
                                              Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

There are many other positions you can hold after graduating in a software engineering degree.

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Monday, April 29, 2019

Interpersonal Communication
April 29, 20191 Comments

Interpersonal refers to something that is involving or occurring among several people. Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to get along with other people. so interpersonal means interactions of people. Interpersonal skills are important in different organizations and corporations because when employees are interacting and communicating effectively then it creates an environment where people can work with dedication. Corporation also works to train their employees when they have a lack of interpersonal skills and especially when there are some awkward people.


We are human and humans interact with each other for expressing their feelings,  to love each other, communicate with each other, to work together, for making friends, for loving each other, to build and maintain a relationship,  and to share knowledge.


Interpersonal communication is face-to-face communication and it is a process of exchanging information between two or more people through verbal and non-verbal ways. It doesn't mean that only the exchange of information or feeling but how that message is delivered to the other person.

Non-verbal communication plays an important role in interpersonal communication in which message is sent through tone of voice, facial expression, gestures, and body language.

It is the most important characteristic of humans through which they share their feelings and emotions. It is a complex process that depends on the sender and receiver how they exchange their piece of information.

                                                     Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

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