HelpMeOutAlways: Computer Fundamental
Showing posts with label Computer Fundamental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Fundamental. Show all posts

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Computer Language and it's Classification( Short slide presentation)
June 02, 20180 Comments

Computer Language:

  • A language is means of communication.
  • We use a natural language, such as English, to communicate our ideas and emotions to others.
  • Similarly, a computer language is used by a programmer to instruct a computer what he/she wants it to do.
  • Computer languages are the languages through which user can communicate with the computer by writing program instructions.

Classification of Computer Language:

  • Machine Language 
  • Assembly Language 
  • High-Level Language

1. Machine Language:

  • A computer programming language consisting of binary instructions which a computer can respond to directly. 
  • The machine language of the computer is normally written as strings of binary 1s and 0s. 
  • A machine language instruction normally has a two-part format.

  • The first part of an instruction is the operation code, which tells the computer what function to perform. 
  • The second part is the operand, which tells the computer where to find or store the data of other instructions, which are to be manipulated.


  • A computer can easily understand the Machine language. 
  • Machine language instructions are executed directly without any translation. 
  • Machine language instructions require very less time for their execution.


  • Machine language instructions are very difficult to use and understand. 
  • Machine language instructions are machine dependent, that means a program written for a particular machine does not execute on another machine. 
  • In Machine language, there is more chance for errors and it is very difficult to find errors, debug and modify. 

2. Assembly Language:

  • Using alphanumeric mnemonic codes, instead of numeric codes for the instructions in the instruction set. 
  • E.g. using ADD instead of numeric 1110 or SUB instead of 1111(binary).

  • Using storage locations to be represented in the form of alphanumeric addresses, instead of numeric addresses.
  • E.g. the memory location 1000,1001,and 1002 may be represented as FRST,SCND and ANSR.
  • Instructions written in assembly language is translated by a language translator called Assembler.


  • Writing instructions in assembly language is easier than writing instructions in machine language. 
  • Assembly language is more readable compared to Machine language. 
  • Easy to understand, find errors and modify. 


  • Assembly language is specific to a particular machine architecture, that means it is machine dependent. 
  • Assembly language needs to be translated into machine language. 
  • Assembly level language executes slower compared to machine language. 

High-Level Language:

  • The High-level language is simple and easy to understand and it is similar to the English language. 
  • High-level languages have enabled the use of computers to solve problems even by non-expert users. This has allowed many users, without any background in computer science and engineering, to become a computer programmer.


  • Writing instructions in the high-level language is much easier. 
  • High-level language is more readable and understandable. 
  • The programs created using high-level language runs on different machines with little change or no change. 
  • Easy to understand, create programs, find errors and modify. 


  • High-level language needs to be translated to machine language. 
  • High-level language executes slower compared to assembly and machine languages. 

Reading Time:
